5 Killer Blog Topic Ideas That Any Business Can Tackle In 2021
Banish writer’s block for good with five of our favourite blog topic ideas, perfect for every business and industry.
You know the feeling. You’re staring at a blank Google Doc, watching your cursor blink back at you. You’ve set aside an hour to whip up something to publish on your businesses’ blog, but inspiration just won’t strike.
Sound familiar?
While we can’t make creativity appear on cue, we can give ourselves a framework to make creativity a hell of a lot easier to unlock. And that’s exactly what we’re going to teach you to do.
Blog content is an incredibly powerful way to build thought leadership, showcase your expertise and drive meaningful traffic to your website. But, coming up with compelling blog topic ideas can be damn challenging (particularly when you’re launching, building or running a business).
But never fear, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to discover five of our favourite blog topic ideas that you can use for your own business in 2021 (no matter what industry you operate in).
Blog Idea 1: Weigh-in on an industry trend
Whether you’re operating in fashion or fintech, one thing is certain: new trends are constantly emerging in your industry. And there’s a good chance your audience are interested in staying up-to-date with the latest updates, too.
By crafting blog content about something new or interesting that is happening in your industry, you’re positioning your brand as an authority on this topic. Plus, if you can offer a unique spin or point of view, you’ll stand-out from others in your industry (and build trust with your audience, too).
As a starting point, subscribe to any industry publications or newsletters that offer regular updates on what’s happening in your field. When an interesting story comes up, consider if you can offer a fresh take on the subject. And bonus points if you can break down a complex industry news story into an easily digestible, jargon-free blog!
Blog Idea 2: Teach your audience a new skill
Who doesn’t love mastering a new skill? Giving your audience the tools to do just that is our next blog topic idea. And there are plenty of ways to share your expertise and teach your audience something new through blog content.
Start by thinking about the needs of your audience and how your business can solve their problems. While you don’t want to give away all the secrets to your products or services, you can find strategic ways to offer free, practical value to your audience through DIY or skills-focused blog posts.
Let’s look at an example: say you’re a dog daycare company who specialises in home visits, dog training, dog walking and off-site daycare services. A good blog topic to consider could be ”three simple strategies to improve your dogs’ leash manners”.
There’s two reasons why this is a smart topic:
It empowers audiences to overcome a common problem (e.g. their dog pulling on the lead).
Plus, it shows that this team have the knowledge and expertise to effectively handle and train dogs with common behavioural problems. When they’re ready to book into a daycare centre, you’ll be top-of-mind.
Blog Idea 3: Educate your audience about your product or service
No one makes a wise decision overnight. Think about it: how long does it take you to decide which hairdresser to book into? Or what about what brand of washing machine you’ll purchase if your trusty model stops working?
Regardless of whether you’re selling things or promoting services, your audience needs to understand why they should spend with you. The good news? Informative blog content can be a helpful way to turn website visitors into customers.
Try crafting a blog post that explains your core products or signature service, and how they’ll solve the problems your audience might be facing. That’s the important part: make sure to explain what you do, and why it’s relevant to your audience, too.
Weaving in specific examples or relatable anecdotes can also work to build rapport with your potential customers and humanise your business.
Blog Idea 4: Share customer or client success stories
Do you read reviews before buying a product? It’s human nature to crave honest insights from other people that we trust to make sure we’re making an informed decision. That’s where customer or client testimonials and success stories can be helpful to build social proof and earn valuable trust with your audience.
By peppering your blog with content that shares these real-world success stories, you’re giving your customers that opportunity to advocate for what you do in their own words.
Consider ways you can tell a meaningful story with these customer insights, such as:
Turning reviews or testimonials into in-depth case studies
Grouping a bunch of 5 star reviews together to share feedback on a particular product
Injecting these success stories into your upcoming blog content
Blog Idea 5: Turn your FAQs into a blog
Do you often get the same questions from your customers? If so, you might already have a frequently asked questions page on your website. Great! You’ve got the perfect raw content for our next blog topic idea.
These frequently asked questions are a goldmine for you to help you craft meaningful content that is relevant to your audience. Look for common themes or trends that appear in your FAQs and find ways to build a library of blog posts that answer those questions in more detail.
For example, if your customers are unsure if they’re ready to sign up to your service, you could create a blog post explaining “5 Key Signs You’re Reading To Hire/Book In...”. Trust us, your customers will be sure to gain valuable insights from this kind of blog content.
Ready to start crafting meaningful blog content?
Even with these top notch ideas in mind, you might not have the capacity to write this content from scratch. Luckily, our team of copywriters can help. Check out our How We Help page learn more about how we can help your business level-up your blog content.
Want to chat through any ideas, projects or questions you might have about blog content?